A healthier person increases their quality of life and reduces your healthcare costs.

Our holistic vision and health technology merge traditional medicine and complementary medicine (TM &CM) for the prevention and monitoring of chronic diseases according to WHO's traditional medicine strategy.

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Health self-management with multiple benefits.

It allows for recording symptoms and treatments (both allopathic and complementary) for a better understanding and knowledge of the users.

Impact for your business:

  • Promotes therapeutic adherence.
  • Reduces hidden healthcare costs.
  • Reports on health market consumption and trends.
  • Improved diagnostic quality for healthcare professionals

    RWD / RWE: Tracking and traceability of social, emotional, physical, mental, and nutritional factors that impact the quality of life of the users.

    Gamification to foster healthy habits

    Community challenges. Using gaming as a strategy for adherence rewards the users with MOON-COINS that can be redeemed for healthy benefits.

  • We provide an API for your company's benefits program integration.
  • Request our recognition program.
  • Value-based

    Value-based healthcare is a shifter mindset from your company towards the users.

    Big-data lake: RWD / RWE.

    Symptoms & treatments records.

    Promotes therapeutic adherence.

    Savings in healthcare expenses through diagnostic prevention.