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Privacy policies

MOONLIFE, a product by Clonify, is committed to safeguarding the personal data and privacy of our users and visitors, and we are fully aware of the sensitive nature of some of the data that may be provided based on the characteristics inherent to the services provided. Therefore, we have to comply with the applicable regulations on data protection in Argentina (Law 25,326, Regulatory Decree 1558/2001 and regulations issued by the Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data belonging to the Agency for Access to Public Information).
By using the Site, you represent and warrant that you are over 18 years of age and have full legal capacity to consent to the processing of your data by Clonify.
Updated to clarify that as an Argentinean company, we’re not required to have to comply with US criminal subpoenas requesting disclosure of data.
Before reading our Privacy Policy there are a few things that we think are especially important for our users to understand about how we manage their data.

1. MOONLIFE does not and will never sell any personal data. We made this app primarily to help people like us and this would not be in line with our values.

2. MOONLIFE does not track or share any personal data with third party companies unless you specifically choose to enable that option (e.g. with Google, Google Fit, Apple or Apple Health).

3. To protect your privacy, any health data that you choose to track for your own purposes is encrypted before it is backed up on our servers.

4. MOONLIFE is compliant with law 25.326 data handling policies and practices.

5. MOONLIFE tracks the least amount of personally identifiable data possible to protect its users.

Disclosure: MOONLIFE's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy 🔗, including the Limited Use requirements. The obtained information will not be sold or shared with third parties unless specifically authorized by the user. For more information, please refer to the Google API Services User Data Policy.

We recognize the sensitive nature of the health and personal data that you choose to track with MOONLIFE and strongly believe in the importance of data security, privacy, and anonymity. We take your privacy seriously and we hope that you find our privacy policy clear and transparent.

This Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) explains:

1- Which information about you we collect.
2- Purposes of using your personal information and legal basis.
3- Retention of your personal information.
4- Disclosures of personal information.
5- Where is your personal information stored and which are your access rights.
6- Third-party sites
7- Contact us.

1. Information about the visitor we collect.

Information is collected when you volunteer to identify yourself, and provide requested information:
You may choose to write to us, or fill out certain forms or online data requests, which provide your name, telephone number, e-mail address, job and related information.

2. Purposes of using your personal information and legal basis.

Clonify uses the information collected from you to: (i) to respond to your inquiries; (ii) consider your request or application, (iii) send you appropriate information in regards to news, events, job openings and related information you subscribed to, and (iv) for direct marketing purposes, including to send you newsletters, client alerts and information we think may interest you. Clonify may also use such data for market and consumer studies regarding product types, demographics and consumer preferences.
We are entitled to use your personal information based on (i) our legitimate interest such as for research and development, to market and promote our services, to protect our legal rights and interests, to the extent that your interests or your fundamental rights are not overridden; (ii) your consent to do so for a specific purpose; or (iii) to process your data to comply with a legal obligation.

3. Retention of your personal information.

Clonify will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and maintain appropriate business records. Once the purpose has been fulfilled your personal information will be retained and blocked up due to the possibility of legal and governmental requirements and until their status of limitations have run out.

4. Disclosures of personal information.

Moonlife may share anonymized information with affiliated companies.
In addition, Clonify reserves the right to disclose information where required by law or to comply with valid legal process (such as a search warrant, subpoena or court order) as well as to protect Clonify’s rights or property, including without limitation in the event of a transfer of control of Clonify or substantially all of its assets, or during emergencies when safety is at risk.

5. Where is your personal information stored and which are your access rights.

- Storage of the Information

All of the information collected by MOONLIFE through the Website is stored on secured servers, to protect against unauthorized use and access.

- Your access rights.

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, opposition, personal information portability, and/or withdrawal of consent regarding your personal information which is stored in our server by emailing to the following address: hola@moonlife.app attaching a copy of your Identification number / SSN and requesting access, updating and/or deletion of the data.

6. Third-party sites

The Site may contain links to other third-party sites, which are not related to MOONLIFE. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such sites.
In the event that the User is redirected to a third-party site, it is recommended to read their privacy policies in order to obtain information on the eventual processing of personal data.

7. Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns regarding how your personal data is being processed or this Policy, please email us at hola@moonlife.app or reach out to Clonify using the contact information below:

Clonify SAS

Edificio +54Lab
Parque de innovación de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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